
Sunday, December 28, 2003

Well, I made it!! Spent a week in Key Largo which was amazing... and so was the food poisoning I got on the first day out there. Folks, when the chicken is rosey pink don't eat it! Simple right, but I was soooooo hungry I ate it anyway, yes me, little miss microbiology, little miss "do you know what that has TOUCHED" well I paid for it and so did my poor esophagus.
It was warm, which for those of us not born, but raised in Chicago can truly appreciate. Unlike SOME people from California....
"What is that?"
"It is the harbor"
"Where are all the boats?"
"Out for the winter"
"Because the harbor freezes over"
"...woooooooow wierd"
it is conversations like these that make me remember, not everyone has experienced that bone chilling feeling "winter is coming" Everything is new for him. "Lately my skin has been really dry..." or "I keep getting shocks when I touch things and all my clothes are filled with static" he observes the lengths of coats, the style of earmuffs, everything is new. The slightest zephyre sends him into fits of shivers, while i laugh no i cackle HA HA HA. I can't wait to see him and January meet.
Anyone see Michael Jackson on 60 minutes tonight wow that guy has problems...or is it just me!?!? I would like to send a special shout out to Josh P. because he is the man for his time and place and one day there will be a great epic film...the life and times of J.P.!! Miss you!

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Friday, December 19, 2003

i even have time to elaborate because i have noooooottttthing to dooooooooo (said in the will ferrell dialect) alright so my day started sort of sucky .... no not sorta sucky it SUCKED BIG TIME I realized at midnight that i had taken my exam home from last night's exam (yes the exam was frim 6-9pm... that sucked too...but i kinda enjoyed the exam, i should considering it was Patents, and that is what i want to do from 9-5 every day for the rest of my life or I have kids which ever comes first) so of course i was freaking out and couldn't sleep all night finally at the first speck of sunrise i got ready and went downtown to school, found the dean who is a real
jackass but everything went surprisingly smooth and i was on my way back in a hurry since mom and dad were coming to take me out to lucnch and pick up my suitcase (which still was not packed) and just my luck, the bus gets hit by a massive SUV type vehicle and we all have to wait around and fill out reports, then i walk/run home and try to clean the place (you DO NOT want to see my place during exams) and as I'm yanking on the vacuum cleaner to get it out the end jams into my eyeball I say eyeball because i actually felt the SQVISH of it and couldn't see out of it for 10 minutes so of course i call home and am crying that i am blind and will never see
again and i will be "the patch lady"...hmmm that would make holooween easy every year. Luckily though, G-d felt that I should be blessed with sight in BOTH eyes and i was miraculously healed. .... can you tell that i have been under a lot of stress lately?!!? this is me without any caffine!

side news: I am having a New Year's Party and a Rose Bowl party and you are all Invited.... seriously bring friends and hop in a car!
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Friday, December 05, 2003

Well, had my first panic attack of the semester, which i guess in some ways is good because it has been a good couple of months since i last had one. Studying, studying, studying. I did have some great laughs moving Jonathan though. Currently looking for more laughs... Anyone interested in having New Years in Chicago?
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