
Sunday, November 30, 2003

I still hate studying for exams but enjoy getting phone calls. I'm going to set up Elesheva with Elizabeth and set up Ali with Jamie... perfect matches!
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Sunday, November 23, 2003

Usually I'm a big fan of DPs I mean drunk phonecalls, everyone knows that i give out my fair share, some of you more vulnerable to my dialing fingers than others. Last night, luckily on the early side of 11pm Brad calls and tells me he is drinking a zoo, some mish mosh of seven alcohols mixed together in what i imagine as a shit hole bar in the middle of Indiana. wow that is great i tell him, his brain is clearly working on the speed equivalent to a polar bear on seven alcohols. a few more mumbles and i hurry to "let him get back" but only a few minutes later the phone rings again....its him..."guess who is sitting right behind me" I couldn't hear him due to the bar noise so i made him repeat himself 3 or 4 times and by this time he is absolutely SHOUTING. -the quarterback of Purdue's football team. "THat is great" i say trying to make it sound like i am genuinely excited, "i called because I thought you would want to know" I thanked him profusely and assured him it really WAS somthing that I wanted to know. Oh silly Brad, I talked to him this morning and he declared that he was still drunk....lesson of the story don't drink zoos.

I want to send a shout out there for the friendly act of gossiping. THanks to a little bit of traveling talk I am a lot happier =)

GO BLUE we crushed those nuts and i have the shirt to prove it. Had the shirt on last night and guys made me turn around because it was causing them physical pain ha ha ha.

Small world, my friend Chris's boyfriend went to Boston College school with a girl from my high school and a very odd reunion when she walked in with him at the bar.

hmmm.... time for a little bit of humor i guess....
so there is this famous place in chicago that actually was featured on Insomniac COmedy Central... it is called weiner circle.. it is a hot dog joint open late at night and a bunch of bitchy black girls work there i don't mean that in a bad way... see you go in there and the way you order is something like this "i'll have two dogs and a coke, bitch" and then they are crass and vulgar and mean back to you and that is just the way the place is. Kind of like Ed Debevics for adults. well Jonathan's roomate went there and ordered a chocolate shake...let me repeat he ordered a CHOCOLATE shake (and NO there are no shakes on the menu) so the black girl says meet me around the back, he goes around back she takes her top off and shakes it. Kevin walked away having had the best chocolate shake of his life for only 5 dollars!! you know that song "my milkshake makes all the boys come round.." well.....
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Wednesday, November 19, 2003

I love it. So many great lawsuits going on now. And i really have the insight to actually understand what is going on behind the scenes. But today..... best news ever Warrant for Jackson's arrest!!! man oh man! he is going to the slammer, and let me tell you something about prisons, there is a clear pecking order, murderers and home invasioners are up there at the top and guess who is at the bottom? yes, the sickos that %#@* with kids! Remember the priest that was killed in prison??!?!? HA HA HA i'm loving it! Plus rumor has it that he has no money left so perhaps he will be forced to sell the Beatles songs back to Paul M. "I have slept in the bed with many children" who says things like this?!?!? "whenever kids come over they always want to stay with me" if any other person said this stuff publicly they would have been in trouble a LOOOONG time ago. Alright i'll keep you guys updated and won't use all the legalese that makes me feel oh so smart.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2003

another sleepless night... 9:30 took my temp it had gone down to 100.5 Hurrah! still felt miserable and made the decision not to go to class this morning, the nasty weather didn't help. I had been sweating profusly all night and was just feeling NASTY. Still have no appettite, maybe i can market the flu as a weight loss program. Drinking tea, blowing my nose, really fun times. I'm hideious!!! ... look away look AWAY!!!!
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Monday, November 17, 2003

NOT A GOOD DAY. Was up all night being sick. Took my temperature this morning and it was just under 101. These are the days where when mom comes to wake you up for the third time for school you whine....I', siiiiiiiiiick. somehow made the stupid decision to go down to my first class but i was so miserable that i came home right after. On the bus home I really didn't think i would make it, feeling so crummy! there was this wird guy with huge earphones on his cell phone talking really loudly! He made the lady on the outside move out of his way and as he got up his earphone cord snagged the poll and he popped backwards. he ran up to the driver and said something, still with his cell phone. He came back sat down and then put all his stuff on the outer seat where the lady was sitting, he just made her move and now was blocking her back. other people had noticed and were offering her a seat. When my stop came I was the first one to the door and this guy yells "Hurrty up!" and shoves me out of the bus!?!? i was too shocked and sick to say anything, but i felt totally abused by this sicko!! Came home got into bed and was in and out of it all night long. UURRRGG!! somebody shoot me! oh and just read a study that law students have a shorter life expectancy then all others fabulous! maybe this really is my death bed! chao.
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Sunday, November 16, 2003

My school is a shit hole!! So all second years register at 11am today. But the computer lab doesn't open until noon. So we went to the dean and she said that she would put our names on a list and that the security guard would let us in if we were on that list. so we came down in the rain and when we got to the school we rang the doorbell (so ghetto) and eventually a grandpa security guard opened the door. we wouldn't let us in though. we explained how we were on the 'list' but he claimed he never recieved a list!! I used my inner charm and my negotiation powers to win this guy over, he let us in while he called his boss. this boss apparently told him to kick us out and grandpa security man said 'if you want to come down and kick these girls out in the rain be my guest' so we were in!
made it up to the computer labe...which was locked. i went to my office where i called public safety and after another fight about the "list" they said they would send someone to open the door. Waiting outside the lab....finally GRANDPA security man comes up and opens the door. so we are in. we sign onto the registration page and there is a big white screen "THIS SITE IS DOWN UNTIL NOON ON SUNDAY" what the $@#*??? Hundreds of people are supposed to register! EEEK we were so stressed that we did a mass dunkin donuts run, even bought one for gramps, he refused it. came back waited out the hour and when i finally got to register one of the classes i actually wanted to take was closed! so now i'm in wills and trusts eek? that and the fact that i still have a hole in my mouth, and apparently i caught my brother's cholera across state lines, and plus i'm apparently nervous tweek when it comes to boys who knew?! alright looking for a good laugh you guys anything? anything?
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Saturday, November 15, 2003

Why is it that Farah portrays the dissembling and "marketing" strategies of the American pro-Palestinian movement as smart policy, while he implies that the same tactics, when used by the Jewish community, are manipulative and sordid? The implication is that it's Salon's and Farah's opinion that the Palestinian activists are right, and that Israel has no right to exist.

Both sides commit atrocities in this conflict, yet you for some reason seem to blame it all on Israel. What would you have them do? Give up and surrender their country altogether? I don't think you'd be singing the same tune if it was your shopping mall or favorite nightclub that got bombed.

HA HA HA Chris Farah put in his place!!!
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still trying to be good about posting... Yesterday, i was in a terrible mood, to the point where all i wanted to do was pig out on Thai food in comfy pj bottoms and watch tv. I had already canceled two parties I was supposed to attend and just came home. Jonathan called and with a little help from Laura I was motivated to go out. Walked the 1.89 to his place and man oh man!! this place was amazing. I mean they could have filmed a reality show in this place! i was impressed! we then went to see House of Rock. It was very funny. that makes three movies in a row that have been really great. I recomend them all. Elf, Love Actually, House of Rock. Maybe i'm just too stressed and find anything funny but anywho.... Jon had a glass of wine in the movie ... found that interesting. went out for a drink. then back to his place where he lit up the fireplace (sigh) i want a fireplace!! Then I walked back. It was 1.89 miles of fun in the rain at 2am and yes, there is a rapist lose in my neighborhood.
going out for sushi with Amy tonight. what a week of reunions. Alright GO BLUE

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Friday, November 14, 2003

So...it has been a long time since I updated, i blame it on being a law student. One interesting development is that my mom now knows of this site so i have to stop talking about all my sexual conquests and drug experimentations. I will however state that I am in a perminant mode of stress. not just a little... a lot. Plus, next semester I will be a night student! so, anyone want to have lunch?!?! So, I will try and be better about posting thanks to JOSH. However must of the time i will just be complaining and looking for a good laugh to ease the pain. Stay in touch y'all.

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