
Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Alright...I'm an idiot. It was the day my take-home exam was due. I had turned it in a day early because I had another exam that day. Early in the morning I was at Starbucks (don't worry I was going decaf) and in walks my teacher of the take-home exam. Now I can't remember if I posted about this fine lady before but lets just say we have had wierd karma between us. Her husband taught Becky's dad, she knows all of my mothers freinds one way or another.
So I said hi
-So, are you finished?
-[i thought she meant with examS in general] Oh NO not even close
-Well, isn't today the last day?
-Nope, Not for me!
-(wierd look)well when are YOU going to be done?
-Thursday 9pm

It wasn't until 20 minutes later that I understood her strange looks at me, she was clearly talking about her exam due that day and I was thinking in terms of the semester. Oh well she already thinks I'm border-line retarted from the day I forgot my own name in class, should tell that story if I haven't already.

Well one more exam and one more paper and then it is all over!! Can't wait.

Thanks to Beck for her posting, wish I could do the coffee shop thing but first of all I think they would kick you out after hour 9, I need huge spaces to sprall out, and absolute silence with no distractions.

Anyone interested in a Bagderno shirt?
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Friday, May 07, 2004

Well, I've been spending 12 hour days in the Library. When I saw 12 hour days in the library, I don't mean, I was there for three hours and it felt like 12, I don't mean I spent 12 hours in the past 12 days, I mean for the past few days.... I would wake-up...watch Oprah...go to the library and camp out. I bring meals and snacks, and drinks, and I buy M&Ms at Dominicks. Then I work and study and write and study. Of course I run into tons of people from school and I admit I'm always up for a brief chat, or a walk to the bathroom, or a walk to the water fountain for a refill or a stroll around to the first floor and back.

Some Bastard took Shelly's purse yesterday on the way to the Library. The day started early with Shelly coming over to use my shower. Hers was clogged and coughing up chunks. After she showerd we set off and walked to the L. After waiting forever for a train we got on and as soon as the doors closed she realized she left her purse on the bench. We got off at the next stop and ran back. Not ten minutes later the purse was gone. She had an exam that night and now her keys, walet, phone, student ID, license, credit cards, money was all gone.

She flipped and rightfully so, I would have too, but my words of wisdom were this is merely an Inconvenience. Words I got from my mom that got them from a Holocost survivor who said "Your house burns down, you lose your wallet, that is merely an inconvenience, your entire family is killed that is a tragedy." Kind of helps to put things in perspective doesn't it.

What is with all this Friends talk? I've never watched the freakin show, ok that is not true I would watch it in college (note how cool that sounds...when I was in college) when my roomates had it on. However the hype got to me and I felt pressured into watching it last night. Soooo not funny!! Seinfeld is where its at!!

For a couple of years now I have had a group of three of the most amazing friends in the world. We were close in college and not only keep in touch we actually get together quite frequently for living in different states. We are all big Seinfeld fans and I'm not sure who first thought of it but we are a lot like the famous quartet. There is some on who is who but I have always had it figured out. (I'm Jerry for the record) Anywhooooo my Seinfeld dreams are actually coming true because Jonah is moving in next door!! Yes you heard it, Lucky for me he is not the barge in Kramer is the buzz up George =) But I really think we are going to need the film crew around 24/7 because we are going to have some awesome Debaucheries.

In other unrelated news, there was a shooting in my neighborhood right outside Wrigley Field. uuuhhhh that makes three murders in a very short time in my hood? anyone concerned??
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Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I needed a fix so I headed to Treats. treatsfrozendesserts.com It is right down the street and I'll be honest I go quite frequently. So I met two friends there tonight and cashed in my punch card for my free treat. We walked outside to enjoy one of Chicago's few beautiful spring nights. Right at the door this man asked if the ice cream was good. I said it wa FANTASTIC. I guess I was trying to convince the guy to go in and treat himself to a treat. I continued, "I come here everyother day, I have tried all 42 flavors..." He told me he was taking a survey of people. I told him that everyone loves treats except this one lady I ran into last week who as I was walking into the place pulled me aside and told me it was aweful, and not to go in, she recomended the other ice cream places down the street. So I'm telling this guy everything and then he discloses that he is the president of Treats!!


He asked what my favorite flavors were and well I was stretching the truth when I was telling him I tried them all but I couldn't let on now. I told him that I really liked white russian, dulce de leche and caramel fudge eclair. He asked about snickers, I told him that honestly I was a little disappointed by it, and he agreed. He explained that he changed the recipe and it is better now. We had this 30 minute conversation about the flavors, the nutrition facts. we got to talking about me in law school and IP and he was talking about his trademarks pending and copyrights... I'm thinking score me a job for treats.

Scary fact though, he employed two law school graduates last summer and helped pass out their resumes to lawyer friends of his. G-d help me if I'm working with ice cream and sprinkles after I graduate law school.

So we continued talking for awhile and he gave me his card and told me to e-mail him with ideas for new flavors or combinations. He also informed me that Tuesdays if I show my ID I will get 2 for 1 sweeeeeeeeet.

So of course I race home to call Shelly, my Treats partner in crime, (and when I say partner in crime I mean that when I walk into the store without her, the workers actually ask where my friend is) and told her that I had just met the president, a semi-G-d of sorts.

On a side note, there is a new guy working there that does not speak English. I don't mean that he has a thick accent or that I have to repeat myself, I mean that when I order he points to a co-worker. At first this gester confused me, I would just look over at the co-worker smile and order again but eventually I comprehended that this meant "I don't understand anything you are saying and you need to order with this person" uh ok.
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