
Wednesday, July 28, 2004

My fans should note that I am dedicating so much time now to the blog that I am neglecting my journal!! And please note that due to technical difficulties I only had 5 hours of sleep last night, those pictures are time consuming. So today at work I had ups and downs. I forgot to put in sites so I had to redo a memo for a lawyer. Then a partner that I had done some work for CCed me in on an email he sent a client basically summing up all the work I did. He made it sound like my work was really crucial and important ... Go me! I was proud. So I am doing more work for this lawyer and I requested some design patents on bracelets and necklaces from the library (they delivery them to my office) and I'm waiting around, waiting around for the delivery. The partner comes by my office and I explain that all the work is done I'm simply waiting for the library to deliver the goods. Finally around 6 they come and I'm horrified that my jewelry patents are not there, instead there is a stack of 19th century patents, the top one had a figure of a woman riding side saddle on a horse!! So I called the library and apparently the "new girl" messed up and they were going to redo my order" This is horrible but I had dinner plans so I wrote an email to the partner saying I would have it first thing in the morning and snuck out around 6:20.

For those of you that follow a good story, Chris said he might meet up with us for dinner tonight ... I don't think it comes as a surprise that I latter received an e-mail from him saying he would not be coming. I sent him an e-mail back saying his ability to disappoint is astonishing!

For the best, I walked over to Carnegie Deli. There was a giant pickle in the window and I thought of Shelbert -sigh- I instantly knew that was a great photo op.

Good time, good food.  Afterwards we stopped for Tasti D Lite...  oh man I seriously have a problem with that place sooooo good!!  and Kosher!  We walked back to where he is staying (at his aunt and uncles since they aren't there now) the place was amazing!!  Really great apartment right by Times Square!  I was impressed and told him he should be taking the ladies home =)

I did a little walking around since I don't get out to that neck of the woods frequently

It is really tourist central, and maybe freak central

Eventually made it back to grand central station which I have come to love.
Please keep posting

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Tuesday, July 27, 2004

     Well, the world is getting smaller and my blog is spreading.  It used to be I could write about anyone and only Y-Diddy and J-Diddy would read about it so I was safe.  However now that most of my friends at least occasionally come and visit I feel I better sensor my stories.  On the other hand it might be a good way to cross that passive aggressive line and have my friends come here to really see how I feel about them or to read my side of the story. 
     Tonight I planned an outing.  Most of you know I have a weakness for fine dining, specifically fine Asian fusion dining.  So when I found this place www.taorestaurant.com  (really check it out, there are pictures of the place which are a must see, and a 360 tour, the menu is posted as well as news articles about famous people (P Diddy had one of his after the awards party here) eating here.  Great website.  So, back to my story, I saw this place and really wanted to go.  Then I had to decide who to go with.  I enjoy dining alone but this was an experience, that I wanted to share, soooo Chris was my man. 
     So I called and made reservations (first time making a private phonecall from work) and I left a message with him to wear something respectable -sigh- and I was excited all day long counting down the hours.  Finally 6 rolled around, time to leave for our 6:15 reservations....And...There was a message on my phone...And it was...Chris....And I swore outloud because it would be typical for him "not to be able to make it"  [no hard feelings Chris but it happens a lot]  but to my surprise he was merely calling for directions.
     It was pouring rain but I just laughed at the people that let it get to them.  I was on my way to a culinary treat, there was going to be a party in my mouth tonight, in a good way.
    The place really was amazing.  I selfishly took the seat that faced the entire restaurant and poor Chris had to face the handicap bathroom all night (sorry about that but I had to keep my eyes open for celebrities, and after spending so much time in LA you were unlikely to even notice). 
     The food was great the sea bass and my dessert were orgasmic, no seriously they were.  My dessert had tropical fruit including lychees, star fruit, mango, kiwi, comquads, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc.  The huge fortune cookie was edged in chocolate and macadamian nuts.  then on the inside one half was filled with a vanilla mousse and the other half was dark chocolate mousse.  My fortune read "someone is thinking kinky thoughts of you" 

     Dinner at Tao's was one of the greatest experiences and ambiances and then Chirs dropped the atomic bomb.  The wedding of his friend...in Michigan...was the weekend of the Lebowksifest.  Now he had agreed to come to at least the Friday part but I felt by taking him out to such a fantastic place I could convince him to make it to Saturday too.  I already bought two tickets.  I have been looking forward to going to this for 3 years!!  I lugged a bowling shirt and HIS bowling shoes (I stole them after we went bowling once in Ann Arbor) all the way from Chicago to New York so that he wouldn't have to pay to rent shoes (yes, that is Chris) and there was literally no one else I could ask to go.  I honestly wanted to cry, really just let it out and cry but NO, me the winner always sucks it up and pretends everything is cool and great and happy!  He could tell I was really upset and I could tell he felt bad.  He offered his cousin as a peace offering, he offered to take me to the wedding, he offered to pay for my tickets, he offered to call Josh and see if he would come...but all I wanted was Chris to come to Lebowski Fest or to be home in my PJs and have a good cry.  I can't walk into a festival of freaks (yes, I admit there will be a lot of freaks there) by myself, and it is the same going with someone I don't know.  I had extended my stay in NY 11 days just to go to this thing and he bails!!!  TYPICAL!!  Even though dinner was amazing, dessert was out of this world, I come home and near tears tell my aunt.  She goes to the bookshelf and takes down a book for me to read "All Men are Jerks"  I came to the defense of men at least my men and told her that is not true and we had a good fight about it, she told me to trust her since she has had more experience. Hmmm, I guess I wasn't that mad at Chris because I started defending him. But I will say that my bro will beat him up the next time they run into each other, he almost refused to help me post his picture.

Chris, I love you dearly, always will, but you've finally done it, you've broken my lebowski heart.


     isn't my grandmother cute

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Monday, July 26, 2004

This is the new bag I got in NY.  Brad helped me put it up on the site.  It is the perfect size, the perfect shape, I had to have it and the price was right.  Take a guess at what you think it costs and what you think I paid.  I am turning into the professional shopper =) 

this is the view from my office window, the big cheese heads have corner offices that are amazing!!   Every morning before my office mate comes in I look out the window and am just amazed. 

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Thursday, July 22, 2004

I am so happy I don't live in this crazy city.  Yesterday as soon as Iwalked into Grand Central Station (= the metro train station downtown only100X bigger) I knew there was a problem.  The place was packed and i don'tmean croded because everyday there is crowded I mean there was wall towall people.  None of the trains were being posted.  I looked around andsaw a sign that had my stop on it and there was a HUGE crowd of people infront of the terminal just waiting.  the time kept changing and I couldn'tunderstand what was going on.  People were getting off trains and they hadno place to go since a mound of people were blocking them people wereshouting and it was Y2K esk.  Finally people started feeding into theterminal but word got back that there was no train.  After about 30minutes there was an announcement overhead that I didn't hear all I knewwas that everyone around me started running.  so i followed.  I felt likewe were all rats in a rat race and actually started laughing out loudwhile everyone else was just angry.  We ran up stairs and down a hall to atrain that was packed to capacity!!!  and of course it was a local trainso making every stop took 4-EVER to get home although I did get to seemore along the train route than normal.

Then this morning I walked down Lexington from the train station to workand there were police cars all the way up and down and i don't meanparallel parked I mean verticly parked up on the sidewalk facing thestreet.  ALL UP and down one side of the street and there were officersstanding on all four corners of all the intersections which here in NY isabout every 15 steps.  eeek  Just looks scary.  Yesterday a bomb went off on 42nd and the sad thing is they think a police officer did it.  To his credit it was his last day of work since the force was retiring himdue to emotional problems he was tramatized from 9/11 apparently and isdue to enter a mental hospital for evaluation.
What a city!!

In other news I bought a digital camera that I believe will arrive tomorrow so with a little help I might get some pictures up and running.  I really want a picture of my name on the wall outside my office but I would have to take it really early in the morning because I would die of embarassment if anyone saw me.  I must start taking more NY pictures, must get all my New York buddies documented as of 2004.  Please post =)

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