
Thursday, August 26, 2004

well the story goes a little something like this. I was up in
Pleasantville the following Sunday night to see a movie with a friend of a
friend (don't know a lot of people in NY) so when I was buying the ticket
I noticed that they were also showing Millers Crossing! I told them that
was really cool and they explained they were doing a Coen Brother month
and that the following night they were showing Lebowski, this was clearly
G-d making up for my missing Friday night's viewing and Saturday's
what-have you.
So Monday night I took the train back to Pleasantville, got there early
so I just sat on a bench wearing my bowling shirt, getting a lot of odd
stares. I thought there would be more hard core fans but no... So, the
Dude came to the movie and gave a little introduction to the film.
After the film a woman from the theater interviewed the Dude on stage.
First, giving him a mini bottle of vodka, a mini bottle of Kaluha and some
milk!! Learned a lot of cool things like all about the Seattle 7, the
Coen Brothers used to rif on his name when they would get together hence
the "Dude or dudder or el duderino if your not into that brevity thing"
really cool. He mentioned the Lebowski fests and asked if anyone had been
to them, i started clapping figuring there were others, but it was just me
so he asked a few questions about it.

Then at the end of the interview, the woman held up the vodka and kaluha
bottles and said these will go as souvenirs to the first person who will
get up and quote a line, well I'm a pacifist so I waited for someone else
to do it but noone stood up so finally, bright yellow bowling shirt and
all I stood up and said I"LL DO IT!! They brought me the mike and told me
to say a line, i said give me a scene, i'll give you a line, they said
just pick any line, well this was my moment to shine and instead of giving
a line I started into this 3 minute rif of a scene between Walter and the
Dude, "what's in the *$@&'n carry?"..."what do you mean brought it
bowling..I didn't rent it shoes, I didn't buy it a beer, it's not taking
your @#*&'n turn"... "if my 'kin ex-wife told me to watch her 'kin dog
I'd tell her to go 'uck herself, why can't you board it?" "first of all
dude, you don't have an ex, secondly it's a 'kin show dog with 'kin
papers, you can't board it, it gets upset, its hair falls out, 'kin dog
has ';kin papers...OVER THE LINE" I bleeped out th swears. When I
stopped the entire
crowd was silent and then started clapping. I came down to the stage and
claimed my prize. I then asked the Dude to sign my shirt and he signed
it "Beverly Rocks, The Dude Abides. Johnson? with an arrow down to my
ass. The bowling shirt is now my most prized possession!

me and the DUDE or el duderino if you're not into that whole brevity thing

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Friday, August 20, 2004

Well, Brad and I are living together now and he snapped this photo on his phone while I was doing some homework. I've been really busy since I came home and have to figure out a way to post my pictures from THE BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE...so stay tunned for that.

I met Jonah's cats...and I fell in love with them...How can you not though

Please continue to post comments...I'll be back with a story to end all stories =)
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Sunday, August 15, 2004

This post goes out to Becky, my most loyal comment poster, I love you man!!

So this is more a week in review since the system was down for a few days.

Monday – I stayed out in Long Island with Grandma on Monday. It was just the two of us which I think was a first. We had a blast though. First I took her to the grocery store where the highlight was seltzer water (pronounced seltza here) and the turkey slices. “I’ve had Turkish food before, just not in the states” Then we drove to Riverhead where we did a few stores and ultimately landed in Borders for a coffee, the temptation to buy books was overwhelming but I stayed strong. We came home and I got ready to leave. I called a taxi for 20 minutes before my train was supposed to leave since it is only 5 minutes away. This driver started driving somewhere else and I kept saying things like “the train station is really close by RIGHT?” Things started going bad when he was searching out both windows for something, apparently he was picking someone else up at the medical center that he couldn’t find. Eventually he asked me if I knew where the medical center was and I just laughed. So he pulled over on the side of the road to consult a map and started radioing in for directions. I spoke up…”umm, hello…I have a train to catch in less than 10 minutes and it is the last one out of the day” so he radios in to headquarters or what-have-you and the guy on the other end who must know that his voice is being broadcasted in the ENTIRE vehicle says “what kind of an idiot only leaves 10 minutes to get to the train station?” umm I can tell you what kind of an idiot, the kind that doesn’t expect her cab driver to get lost trying to find another person to pick up?!?! Hello? So, needless to say I caught the train which was packed with people, transferred at Jamaica (yes there is a Jamaica in Queens) and then arrived at Penn Station, wondered my way over to Grand Central Station and after having Indian for dinner I came home.

Tuesday – My adventures with Gary. We met up near City Hall and went down to Chinatown. New York’s Chinatown ins the largest Chinatown in the US and the site of the largest concentration of Chinese in the western hemisphere. It is located on the lower east side of Manhattan and is roughly two square miles.
There we were trying to find a place to eat which I thought might be hard since he has more restrictions on eating out. But I found this place called Vegetarian Paradise 3 which held promise….until I looked at the menu to find “Ham w. Pea Pot Leaves” “Ginger Chicken w. Black Mushroom” …what kind of vegetarian place was this? We learned that all the “meat” was made out of some non-meat product. We however were not willing to try the ham, goose, jelly fish, sea cucumber (seriously guys have you ever seen one of these penis things?) We ordered the Peking Spare Ribs and the Iron Steak with Broccoli, both made from Chinese Yam (Taro). The food was really good although at times it creeped me out and took some getting used to. To be honest I think it was more like chicken than red meat but whatever.

We then headed down to the South Street Seaport. This seaport dates back to the 1600's, which for our country is some heavy history!! The place is a really cool contrast to the city.

Then one of my lifelong dreams came true. We walked the Brooklyn Bridge!! It was amazing. It was a very hot and humid day but at the top of the bridge there was a great breeze! I couldn’t believe I was actually there!! Of course I was taking pictures every couple of steps and when I later told my family that I walked the bridge they commented “I bet you took pictures every couple of steps”
Then we found ourselves in Brooklyn and walked around a bit before taking the subway back into Manhattan.

Wednesday – I spend exploring the city again. Made my way to Washington Square Park. The Washington Square Park, located in the heart of Greenwich Village, is a very popular and crowded square. It is best known for its bohemian and rebellious character. The park looks seedy, has little green space and attracts vagrants, but people from all backgrounds still flock to the square. The two main attractions in the square are the fountain and the Washington arch.

Before the Washington Square was built in 1826, the area was used as a burial ground.
For the Centennial of Washington's inauguration as President of the US a wooden Memorial Arch was constructed on the Square which was later copied as the marble version in 1895, 77ft, which is there today. Cars were allowed to drive through the arch until 1971, when the square was redesigned. In the 1980s the square became a drug dealing center and was particularly dangerous but it has improved and is now relatively safe.
I went to the new Time Warner building

Then up to Harlem where I was going to meet Chris for dinner. I walked around for awhile, anyone who doesn’t recognize this place I don’t want to be friends with anymore

then it started pouring rain, and my shoes hurt so I considered my options and actually went into a restaurant and crawled up to the bar. Hmmm, what to order? Can’t go with my usual =) so I ordered a glass of white wine, classy, very classy. Then I ordered another one, classy, very classy. Then the guy next to me started talking to me and the bartender started talking to me, and I was telling them all sorts of stories to the point where Chris walked and told me the two guys over there were looking at him funny, I turned around and waived.
My train runs through Harlem so I picked it up at the nearby station, Chris made me get into a cab, whatever!!

Thursday –
So I found the Late Night show, and I was looking for the Hello Deli when I saw Rupert there on the street! I went up to him and asked if I could take my picture with him. He was really friendly only I couldn’t find anyone to take the picture, the only other person around was a homeless man that told me he would give me two batteries for my camera. Um, no thank you. So Rupert called for one of his buddies

If you are still reading at this point, you really owe me a comment, come on it is so easy just click on comment and write me a little message nothing special just a little what-have-you.

Friday – Went down a little latter than usual but then walked over to the Pennsylvania Hotel which is across the street from Madison Square Garden (where the Republican Convention will be held) I went to the hotel because all the achievers (Lebowski fans) were meeting at 1:30 to walk across the street together for the Dude to give his symbolic gift basket to the Republican Convention

Jeff "The Dude" Dowd is so concerned with the impact of the upcoming
election on our future, that he is returning to his political roots to
deliver a giant "gift basket" to Madison Square Garden for the upcoming
Republican Convention. The basket will contain several symbolic things
including truth serum, a pair of glasses to help them with vision, a copy
of the Constitution as a reminder of our freedoms (c'mon man, this
affects all of us), and a bowling ball so they'll have something to do
for the next four years. The Dude is inviting any friends who want to
join him to make this delivery on Friday, August 13th before heading to
The Knitting Factory. Camera crews will be filming for his documentary -
The Dude - The Real Lebowski, national media is expected, and it should
be fun! If you are interested in joining him, check here for details on
how to participate.

This Aggression Will Not Stand, Man

So I’m there, looking around for other achievers and I only see a bunch of tourists. I see a clump of media people and I try listening in to see if they are here for Lebowski. I finally ask a guy on the fringe and he is there for the same thing. The media walked across the street and we just followed. It ended up just being us two, a ton of media, and a bunch of passer-byers that were mostly homeless people.
These were the Billionaires for Bush who accepted the gift. They have a weird website. On their sign below…
After the event I went up and met the Dude, guys you have to understand that this was my moment, this was Mecca, this was my Jesus Christ, this was my….DUDE!!!! He was awesome and very dude-like. He asked me where I was from and I said Chicago, his response “Never heard of it, do they have any good bars?” He was too cool for words. some- times there's a man--I won't say a hee-ro, 'cause what's a hee-ro?--but sometimes there's a man. And I'm talkin' about the Dude here-- sometimes there's a man who, wal, he's the man for his time'n place, he fits right in there--and that's the Dude.

Me and the Dude

Please Post a Comment to Encourage Future Postings.
The Dude Abides.

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Monday, August 09, 2004

Hello All,
Sorry it has been so long since my last post, Brad has been very busy with both my friends, and his new place (yippeee - now there will be no need for squatting)

So I'm officially free for the summer. My Job ended on Friday. On Thursday we had a reception for the summer associates at work = open bar = hundreds of dollars of sushi, kosher food, desserts, gourmet everything. So yes, yours truly had three glasses of white wine, it was delicious, all the lawyers were getting smashed!! But guys, honestly that comes with the job. Certain high stress positions come with certain obligations... I did the shmooze thing making my way from one lawyer to the next. Afterwards the summer associates, and a few of the younger lawyers upped and went to a nearby bar.
The bar was small but cool. I was just excited about my night on the town. They were playing incredible music!!! And eventually I was invited to go dance. Keep in mind that I am wearing the highest heels of my life that I have had on since 9am and man I could still bust a move. I was having such a blast that when Jonathan informed me it was time to go catch our train I told him that I was just going to stay

Jonathan is the coolest person I have met in NY. He just finished his first year at U of Chicago Law school and is just an all around awesome guy.

More work people

Michael Brooks...the name says it all right? and Marissa who also goes to U of Chicago and also enjoys taking obscene amounts of pictures on her digital camera.
So I ended up leaving around 1am after one of the lawyers picked up the entire tab...SWEET!! Some guy was bringing me blowpops from the men's bathroom and at the time it seemed sooooo normal !?!?
So I was walking to grand central station and got a little lost, called Brad and complained that I was lost and that my feet hurt. Unfortunately he said he couldn't help me. The funny story he did have to offer was that while he was out looking at apartments he saw one that had pictures of my friends all over it. HA HA HA he was actually in Lisa's apartment scoping it out, how funny!!

Last Wednesday was also an exciting evening. Work gave me tickets to see the Mostly Mozart Festival at the Lincoln Center. The 16.3-acre Lincoln Center complex, the world's largest performing arts center, is home to the 12 resident arts organizations listed below, representing the highest standards of excellence in symphony, opera, chamber music, theater, dance, film, and arts education. My parents actually went on a date there (Aaaaaawe)
For 37 years, the world-famous Mostly Mozart Festival has been a New York summertime favorite. Appealing to audiences of all ages, from the casual listener to the classical music aficionado, Mostly Mozart celebrates the music of Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Haydn and other Classical and Baroque favorites in a dazzling array of vocal, instrumental and dance works. Well-known as a showcase for both world-renowned performers and promising young artists, the Mostly Mozart Festival is especially popular for its informal, friendly atmosphere.
Outside were some crazy sculptures by Franz West.

You know I've really changed when instead of getting my picture next to the turquoise one, I stood next to the pink one, because it matched the outfit. That is just how New Yorkers would have done it

Apparently Kramer Levin donates more than $10,000 to the center and accordingly our seats were amazing. 5th row center. The seating has four levels and is simply stunning!!
I brought Chris with and when a lawyer asked if he was with Kramer Levin his straight-faced answer was, "Yes, I"m a partner" and of course the lawyer had a look of horror and embarrassment until he explained the joke. I'm pretty sure I was the only one that actually enjoyed the concert, the entire row behind us left at intermission, Chris was rolling his eyes so hard I thought they were going to pop and Jonathan was at least very polite about it.
This past weekend I returned to the Hamptons like I do every weekend. Early Sunday morning Grandma and I baked Mandel Bread together.

She is too cute! Besides burning half of them, they were delicious!! For those of you that unfortunately did not grow up with Mandel Bread your people might refer to it as Biscotti, but it is Mandel Bread unless you are Shelbert...then it is Mundle Bread. But we love her anyway!
Then we headed to the beach

It's a curse, but it is my curse and I want to own it.

The water was beautiful, waves were perfect and I honestly didn't want to get out of the water but I had some horrible pruning going on.

This is NOT for the parents in the room, J-dog might want to think twice about viewing it and some of you will just never look at me the same way


But I'm willing to risk it all if it makes a difference for just one of you out there.

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Monday, August 02, 2004

Today was Crazy!!

First of all I spent the night at my aunt and uncle's place in Glen Cove which is out on long island. They have a dog named Max.

This resulted in a new commute this morning. Got to the office much later than I normally do, and since my office was moved over the weekend I had to then unpack my boxes that I had to pack Friday. I am now sharing an office with a paralegal who is buddy buddy with another girl who helped me with all my paper work right from the beginning. They were chit chatting the entire morning about the Terror alert. Incase you haven't been following there was an alert today. The alert had counterrorrorism forces out in full today. Acting on intelligence from multiple sources that the terrorists plan to use a car or truck bomb or other conventional explosives, police closed bridges, tunnels, etc. Extra uniformed and plain clothes officers along with crack anti-terror Hercules teams have been mobilized. Tom Ridge, secretary of the Dept. of Homeland Security raised the color-coded threat level yesterday to "orange-high alert" for financial institutions in New York City. He emphasized that "there was no time frame with the intelligence" Specific targets included the New York Stock exchange and the Citigroup buildings including the 59 story Citigroup Center WHICH is ACROSS THE STREET FROM MY OFFICE!!

So I wasn't at all worried until these girls got me all excited and pointed out that half the lawyers didn't come in today!!?!? So at my lunch I decided to risk death and walked over to the Citigroup building. There were tons of police officers everywhere, cars were lined up and down the streets.

The media...bunch of idiots...there was nothing to film so they were just sitting around waiting...for what? something to blow up? they would blow up. It was stupid.

Well, I have my name up on the wall this summer, I like the feeling, especially when I get deliveries =) My question to you is... Do you think I can take it with me?

Over the weekend I saw this out on Long Island. I'm thinking lightning but I'm open to other ideas.

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